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Writer's pictureKittenChamp

Welcome to My Project: An Introduction and Thank You

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

It's 10am. Time for a cup of coffee.


Hello, my name is Berlyn and I am a writer, published author and illustrator with over a decade in the arts and entertainment industry. When my father brought home our first Windows PC.

Windows '95

I'm curious...

Do you remember Windows 95'?

  • Yes

  • No

I was 3 years old. I sat in his lap while he programmed it and played around with the hardware and the software. I watched my mom typing a thousand letters a minute, writing thesis' and books.


I always loved to look at the words populating on the screen and reading the words as fast as I could. So, I put my favorite Vivaldi Four Seasons CD in my Walkman, lay on the floor in my room and started writing on my notepad. When I was allowed, I transcribed what I had from my journals and placed my fingers on the keyboard for the first time.

My imagination erupted and as I became familiar with the keyboard (thanks Mavis Beacon), just my imagination wasn't enough. I needed to see these characters in a different the very next item on my Christmas List, was the giant 64 pack of RoseArt colored pencils...the rest is history.

In Intermediate School I was the writer of a local youth's newspaper strip and won a mural competition, having my art painted on the wall of Fruita 8/9 School. (we moved before I got to paint it)

I've attended two art universities - hosted a webcomic with over 30k+ subscribers and published a short for Jetstream Comics and Fullsail University. I've also administered multiple online communities ranging from small groups, to over one-thousand members - including healthyconnectionscounseling, MAMCD and DeviantArt ('09-'13). I've tutored and volunteered...yada yada...

Then life handed me some sour-ass lemons, so I traded them for a sweet and neat🍹Mai'Tai...🍹

Here in the land of, 🏖️slowing things down🏝️, I was able to find a quiet spot and open my Wacom in peace...aahhh

Anyway over with the boring bits.


If you got this far you know everything you need to know about me

~Except for my crippling anxiety, my oncoming carpal-tunnel and my addiction to caffeine ~

I sincerely hope you enjoy this world, this website and this place. I hope you come back often to read the comics and see the art, comment and tell me what you think (i'm a big girl, critique away), and I really hope that you dive into the lore and become as invested in the characters as I have. You'll love it, I promise!




Right now, if you made an account, you can log in - but access is limited until December 24th, the day of release. Right now, you can visit or post in the forums and chat with others online. (at this time, purchase is unavailable, but in the future, buying a subscription before the release date will NOT release the comic to you early, you still have to wait until the day the episodes premier).

  1. The first 50 Episode is finished! | If you are here now, you're likely one of those with access to the secret episode.

  2. I plan to release an episode once a month, barring any delays (with the extras).

  3. Updates to the site will be posted in the forums as they happen; etc. episode release updates, website technical updates.

  4. Other updates not necessarily pertaining to the story itself, (without spoilers) will be added as a blog.

So, want to stick around?

Don't forget - YAY Debates, NAY Berates!

As long as you're over 18...

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