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Writer's pictureKittenChamp

Consistency is Key

In the ancient annals of time, I doom-scrolled on the pages of Wordpress to see what other people were blogging about. Hobbies, logs, thoughts and obviously, concerns about the state of the collective human consciousness that's currently ravaging the earth...

A swirling sea of words, gifs and images that slowly turned into a hub for website links leading to social community boards, museums, galleries and current-issues.

But no matter what people are writing while trying to get people to join their causes, there is one theme that we've all become familiar with - repetitiveness, in other words, consistency. The more often people see something the more likely they are to remember it. I mean, advertisers do it on TV all the time.

I bet you remember this one...

"head on, apply directly to the forehead."

"head on, apply directly to the forehead."

"head on, apply directly to the forehead."

Without taking such a literal approach, having a consistent presence online is key, whether the content is bright and viral, or dull and not so flashy.

Now, I know you hate that boring stuff in the beginning, so we'll get to some tea.

If you've been revisiting the site, you'll notice a few changes here and there - so refresh often. Here in the studio, we're always working on beautifying the site to make it more visually appealing and easier to navigate. Having members here to find bugs and report them is a HUGE help so keep the suggestions coming - we want to make the site work for YOU. (there's not enough care in the world, so if you need some good customer service, I'm your gal. A manager who's actually on the floor...)

Episodes are coming along nicely and if you have any issues with seeing images or reading any text, shoot me a chat or an email and I'll figure it out for you ASAP.

But I am on the PST clock, so I might be on the opposite side of the hour.

Right now I'm trying to decide how to release Episodes that are in parts and drink my coffee before it gets cold.


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