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Writer's pictureKittenChamp

👖By the Seat of my Pants 👖

I'm aliiiiiivveeee! Coffee is in my system, it's 10am on a sunday morning, the children are fed and their batteries full. What's the equivalent of a child from the 15th century's entertainment versus a 21st century child's entertainment? I ask.

🥗🌯I wonder if an ancient child from Greece ate out of boredom..? 🥙🫓

Where am I going with that thought? Nowhere. Here are the parts you might be interested in.

The Collective Mind Connection

It's April 21st 2024, and the mental health of the collective mind is failing. However, histories repeat themselves, eventually people tire of their helplessness and wrest power from their leaders, risking their lives and freedoms. And I'm not talking about our modern world, I'm talking about THE KNOWN WORLD.

The Vulsrian Empire has seen its share of rulers, uprisings, usurpers, mutiny and the rise and fall of great civilizations. From Raxis' follies to the secret societies of Dolcima, the human mind is a fragile, powerful tool. Why am I saying all this, you ask? How does this rambling on and on relate to anything in particular? Well, these are the things that go through my mind as I world-build. Culture, social webs, the psyche. The more detail I can add to TKW the easier it'll be for you, the reader, to immerse yourself, to place yourself in this other plane of existence, for just a little while. I want to help you use your imagination, to see this world better realized.

DnD Anyone?

My Pants are gone..

Thanks for the patience with the slow development but, alas, we are but a team of 2. So stay tuned!

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