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Writer's pictureKittenChamp

1,635 Tuesdays Later


I had a classmate once. 🧑🏽‍🎓📉

They told me they wanted to be a graphic novel artist. But soon thereafter quit because they didn't have the attention span, time or budget for it. I couldn't blame them. Creating a graphic novel is one of the most mundane endeavors to commit yourself to. It's time consuming, It's repetitive and horrible for the posture. To draw the same line over and over, staring at the same colors and contrasts. It's deathly work, surviving off caffeine and maybe dinner.

Even then, after hours of working, to see that you've not even completed one page? You've got to be horribly boring and be perfectly alright with having no contact with any physical body outside of your place. Friends will come, and be assured, they will go. Only so often will they allow you to continue declining their invites to leave the safe confines of your office chair.

Alas, the people of the page continue to be my permanent companions - as silent as they are.

I had to stop. 💯


If you got through all that drama up there, I applaud you🌟! Now, onto the good stuff. Here are some things I wanted to bring up and some updates I think YOU wanna know about.

  • An app for those mobile-bound users. 🤳🏽📲

    • I get it, the phone and tablet are just, so, so much more convenient than having to be stuck at a big ugly desktop computer. But as a budding developer myself, (and a poor poor person), I had to make that investment kind of choice, yknow? But fear thee not, citizen! I have been tinkering with the capabilities with this software and the layout of a potential app. Besides, we don't have enough members for a dedicated application like that yet.

  • More profile-personalization-possibilities

    • What kind of social media platform doesn't give it's users the ability to design their profile, update their statuses and chat? None of them. So why can't we do that here? I don't know!!!! That's what some of my time goes to, looking through the developer community for answers. I'll let you know when I find them!

  • Moving Parts

    • Added breadcrumbs for easier page navigation

    • Optimized text readability by updating certain color pairings.

    • Updated the images covering text in the 'Raxis" page.

  • Future Parts

    • Looking to add live site notifications ("new blog posted" "new member joined")

    • Wall Statuses in member profiles.

🤩🤪Okay, I'm going now. I'm...going to continue coloring these pages. 🤩🤪

catch up on the latest episode!

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