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política de privacidad

Last updated : 6/22/2024 20:09

Privacy Policy... Terms of Agreement....

When we see or hear these terms we get so annoyed and overwhelmed with all the blah-blah words that we skip it be honest, does anyone really care what it says?  We didn't, not until we had to write one.

Here are our terms and policies, in a way that's EASY to understand.

Terms of Agreement : The Definitions


/ tɜːmz /

plural noun

  1. usually specified pronominally the actual language or mode of presentation used:

    he described the project in loose terms

  2. conditions of an agreement:

    you work here on our terms


[ uh-gree-muhnt ]

Phonetic (Standard)IPA


  1. the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement.

  2. an arrangement that is accepted by all parties to a transaction.

    Synonyms: concurrenceaccordunderstanding

  3. a contract or other document delineating such an arrangement.

For all these words, there are a few that we need to make sure you understand for the purpose of this policy.

  1. Account : The unique account you use to access our site.

  2. We, Us, Our, The Company : All refers to LittleFlowerProductions, the developer of the site.

  3. Cookies: Tiny files placed on your device by a website that have details on browser history.

  4. Country: Hawaii, United States

  5. Device : anything you use to access the site.

  6. Personal Data: any information used to identify you as an individual.

  7. Service : Refers to the website.

  8. Service Provider : a third party who processes the data on behalf of the company. Basically our internet provider analyzing how the service is used.

  9. Usage Data : the data collected automatically, generated by using the site.

  10. Website : [][]

  11. You : Or whoever is accessing the content on the site.

This document describes our "policies", the procedures we use to run the site. It describes the way we use your personal data as you use our services and how the law protects us both. That by using the service (our site) you're agreeing to that information being collected and used. 


what the fuck

Don't panic.

Allow us to explain.

When we talk about collecting your data, we're using a general term. But in order to create an account here, we've got to collect some stuff, like this:

  1. Your email address (because you signed up with it and we need to remember it so you can keep signing in. If we didn't keep that information you'd have to make a new sign up every time you opened the site)

  2. Your first and last name (when you sign up you use your name letting us know you aren't just a bot and so we can address you properly if we need to contact you about anything.)

  3. Usage data: which is collected automatically when you use the site. Here's what's collected:

    1. Your IP address.​

    2. The browser you're using and the version it's in.

    3. Which pages on our site that you've visited, when and how long you spent on said pages.

This is the same for mobile devices. Even though we don't have a mobile app, you can still visit the site using a browser on your mobile device.

  1. The type of mobile device you used.

  2. That devices unique ID and IP Address.

  3. The device's OS and the type of browser used.

Fresh baked Cookies

We're sure you've heard of cookies before. We're also sure you've seen those banners popping up that ask you to "enable cookies". We didn't know what cookies were other than tiny, warm, delicious morsels of multiple flavors.

But computers don't eat physical cookies, only digital ones. Allow us to tell you all about them.

"Persistent Cookies"

  • Cookies that remain on your personal device even when you go offline.

"Session Cookies"

  • Cookies that are deleted or "eaten" as soon as you close your browser.

What's the purpose of cookies?


Cookies allow us to remember the choices you make when you use the site. Like remembering your login details or your language preferences. It just makes your experience a bit more personal, rather than having to re-enter your preferences every single time you use the site.


That's sus

Slow down there...

No one likes anything being held from them, especially if it's their personal information.

Remember when we mentioned how these policies are used to protect us both legally?  As a business, we need to comply with the law in order to operate within those legal constraints.

  1. Legal Obligations

    1. We retain data as necessary to comply with applicable laws.​

    2. We also retain data to resolve disputes and enforce our policies.

  2. Transferring Your Personal Data

    1. Whatever information you give us is being processed at our business location which means there's a HIGH chance it's being processed outside of your state. Laws here may differ from laws in your state.​

  3. Secure handling of Your Personal Data

    1. Our company takes all the steps reasonably necessary to protect your data in accordance with this policy. We won't transfer any of your data to any other organization unless adequate security controls are in place. (for example: no host transfer of the site unless the transfer location is secure to our policy standards)​

  4. Deleting Your Personal Data

    1. You have the right to delete all of the data we collected about you, and request that we assist you in doing so.​

    2. You can update, amend or delete your information by logging into your account, if you have one.




Relax friend,

Disclosing information is a fancy way to say "gossip". But we don't gossip here..

Sometimes things happen outside of the internet; in reality, and we will have to make the proper adjustments to protect you and ourselves...mostly ourselves.

  1. Business Transactions

    1. If the company is ever involved in a merger, asset sale or anything else, your personal data might get transferred. We'll let you know if that happens because it'll likely be a under a new policy.


    1. In certain circumstances We may be required to hand over your data to the LAW in response to valid requests. So if a court or government agency asks about you, we're handing over all the info we have so WE don't break the law.

  3. Good Faith Disclosures (if the company believes such action is necessary to:)

    1. Complying with Legal Obligations

    2. Protecting and defending the rights and property of the company.

    3. Preventing and Investigating wrongdoings in connection with our service.

    4. Protecting the safety of users or the public against legal liabilities.




not safe for work!?

Our service does NOT address anyone under the age of 18.

As seductive and tempting the dramatic world of the naughty can be, some people aren't at a mature enough age to be exposed to such adult luxuries. We do not knowingly collect the information of anyone underage.

  1. Parents!

    1. If you are aware or become aware that your child has provided us with personal data, please contact us.

  2. We will throw all of your stuff away

    1. If we become aware that we've collected personal information from an underaged user, we will begin the steps to remove that information from our servers immediately.

  3. Consent is important

    1. Some countries require parental consent before personal information can be processed, so we may require your Parent's consent.​


that's hot

Hold your horses..!


You should know that this site is an exclusive adult entertainment club. Just by being here you acknowledge and agree to the terms of being in that club.

Being an adult is like living amongst the starved - and the fruit is enticingly wet and forbidden...

  1. The Content of Concern

    1. This website displays images, situations and uses language that isn't suitable for anyone under 18.

    2. Those depictions include and are not limited to:

      1. Physical Violence.​

      2. Blood and Gore.

      3. Physical, Emotional and Sexual abuse.

      4. Potentially Triggering Material

      5. Prejudice, Racial; material

  2. If you can't handle the heat...

    1. If you find any of the mentioned content to be triggering or offensive, or if any of that might make you uncomfortable we suggest leaving. Now.

  3. Continuing at your own risk

    1. Continuing forward within the site signifies your acknowledgment of the warning and your agreement to follow the terms set within it. Again if you think any of this is inappropriate you should kindly, and quickly, find the exit.



They can be...


Don't stray too far...we'll miss you.

Sometimes our content may contain a link to a website that isn't monitored by us. Like a link to a Facebook account or a Pinterest post.

  1. Third Party = Third Wheel

    1. Clicking on a third-party link will direct you to their site.

  2. We can't save you if you leave...

    1. Sure, maybe it's manipulative, but we have no control over what happens to your data on other sites, so we won't be able to help you restore any lost data if your information was damaged on a different site.

    2. We assume no responsibility for the content, policies or any practices of any third party sites or services.


like at the pentagon?


www or wild wild web?

The early days of the internet were fraught with traps. The modern version isn't much better, to be honest...

Data security is important to you and us. But keep in mind that, like a condom, no method of transmission is %100 secure.

  1. Changes to this policy

    1. We may update this policy from time to time. If we do we will notify you of any of those changes.

  2. Contact us! We like chatting.

    1. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy you can email us at : or

La seguridad de sus datos personales es importante para nosotros, pero recuerde que ningún método de transmisión a través de Internet o método de almacenamiento electrónico es 100 % seguro. Si bien nos esforzamos por utilizar medios comercialmente aceptables para proteger sus datos personales, no podemos garantizar su seguridad absoluta.

Cambios a esta Política de Privacidad
Podemos actualizar Nuestra Política de Privacidad de vez en cuando. Le notificaremos cualquier cambio publicando la nueva Política de Privacidad en esta página. Le informaremos por correo electrónico y/o un aviso destacado en Nuestro Servicio, antes de que el cambio entre en vigencia y actualizaremos la fecha de "Última actualización" en la parte superior de esta Política de Privacidad.
Se le recomienda revisar esta Política de Privacidad periódicamente para detectar cualquier cambio. Los cambios a esta Política de Privacidad entran en vigencia cuando se publican en esta página.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta Política de Privacidad, puede contactarnos:
Por correo electrónico: /


Here's the long version

Tipos de datos recopilados: Datos personales Al utilizar nuestro servicio, podemos pedirle que nos proporcione cierta información de identificación personal que pueda usarse para contactarlo o identificarlo. La información de identificación personal puede incluir, entre otras: Dirección de correo electrónico Nombre y apellido Datos de uso Los datos de uso se recopilan automáticamente cuando se utiliza el Servicio. Los datos de uso pueden incluir información como: La dirección de protocolo de Internet de su dispositivo (por ejemplo, dirección IP), el tipo de navegador, la versión del navegador, las páginas de nuestro Servicio que visita, la hora y fecha de su visita, el tiempo que pasa en esas páginas, identificadores únicos de dispositivo y otros datos de diagnóstico. Cuando accede al Servicio mediante un dispositivo móvil, podemos recopilar cierta información automáticamente, que incluye, entre otros, el tipo de dispositivo móvil que utiliza, la identificación única de su dispositivo móvil, la dirección IP de su dispositivo móvil, su sistema operativo, el tipo de navegador de Internet móvil que utiliza, identificadores únicos de dispositivo y otros datos de diagnóstico. También podemos recopilar información que su navegador envía cada vez que visita nuestro Servicio o cuando accede al Servicio mediante un dispositivo móvil. Tecnologías de seguimiento y cookies: Utilizamos cookies y tecnologías de seguimiento similares para rastrear la actividad en Nuestro Servicio y almacenar cierta información. Las tecnologías de seguimiento utilizadas son balizas, etiquetas y scripts para recopilar y rastrear información y mejorar y analizar Nuestro Servicio. Las tecnologías que utilizamos pueden incluir: Cookies o Cookies del Navegador. Una cookie es un pequeño archivo colocado en su dispositivo. Puede indicarle a su navegador que rechace todas las cookies o que indique cuándo se envía una cookie. Sin embargo, si no acepta las cookies, es posible que no pueda utilizar algunas partes de nuestro Servicio. A menos que haya ajustado la configuración de su navegador para que rechace cookies, nuestro Servicio puede utilizar cookies. Balizas web. Ciertas secciones de nuestro Servicio y nuestros correos electrónicos pueden contener pequeños archivos electrónicos conocidos como balizas web (también conocidos como gifs transparentes, etiquetas de píxel y gifs de un solo píxel) que permiten a la Compañía, por ejemplo, contar los usuarios que han visitado esas páginas. o abrió un correo electrónico y para otras estadísticas relacionadas con el sitio web (por ejemplo, registrar la popularidad de una determinada sección y verificar la integridad del sistema y del servidor). Las cookies pueden ser Cookies "Persistentes" o de "Sesión". Las cookies persistentes permanecen en su computadora personal o dispositivo móvil cuando se desconecta, mientras que las cookies de sesión se eliminan tan pronto como cierra su navegador web. Puede obtener más información sobre las cookies en el artículo del sitio web TermsFeed. Utilizamos cookies de sesión y persistentes para los fines que se detallan a continuación: Cookies necesarias/esenciales Tipo: Cookies de sesión Administrado por: Nosotros Propósito: Estas cookies son esenciales para brindarle los servicios disponibles a través del sitio web y permitirle utilizar algunas de sus funciones. Ayudan a autenticar a los usuarios y evitar el uso fraudulento de cuentas de usuario. Sin estas Cookies, no se pueden proporcionar los servicios que ha solicitado y solo utilizamos estas Cookies para brindarle esos servicios. Política de Cookies / Aviso de Aceptación de Cookies Tipo: Cookies persistentes Administrado por: Nosotros Finalidad: Estas Cookies identifican si los usuarios han aceptado el uso de cookies en el Sitio Web. Cookies de funcionalidad Tipo: Cookies persistentes Administrado por: Nosotros Propósito: Estas cookies nos permiten recordar las elecciones que realiza cuando utiliza el sitio web, como recordar sus datos de inicio de sesión o su preferencia de idioma. El propósito de estas Cookies es brindarle una experiencia más personal y evitar que tenga que volver a ingresar sus preferencias cada vez que utiliza el sitio web. Para obtener más información sobre las cookies que utilizamos y sus opciones con respecto a las cookies, visite nuestra Política de Cookies o la sección de Cookies de nuestra Política de Privacidad.

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